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How do I order?


Simply browse products and add to basket. After checking out and paying you will receive a confirmation email and then an email containing flower packaging instructions.


How do I send my flowers to you?


Check out this page for info


How many flowers should I send?


As all flowers differ in shape and size, it's really difficult to say exactly- if you can, send your whole bouquet for a wedding order meaning I can use the best stems. You can cushion it with tissue or bubble wrap/packing peanuts in a large box. If you are sending individual stems, just send as many as you can. A large shoebox is best for most orders. 


Can I drop flowers to you by hand?


Yes, if pre-arranged,  Monday to Friday only. Please message to arrange a day and time. Do note that I am only able to offer doorstep drop offs only so please have your flowers boxed / organised as I am unable to offer in-person consultations at this time. Please do not drop off any oasis / structures and you will need to take any water vessels away with you.


Do I need to book in advance?


I am currently taking bookings as far in advance as 18 months but dates do fill up extremely quickly. I reserve a certain amount of space per month for memorial flower preservation. Drop me an email if you have last minute wedding flowers or funeral flowers. 


Do you need a deposit for advance bookings?


Currently all bookings are fully payable in advance. You can add to or change your bookings up until you send your flowers. 


How long will it take to complete my order? 


Due to the nature of working with flowers and resin, I am unable to give an accurate time scale. Please allow a minimum of 12-14 weeks as guidance, however the last few years have taught us that this can vary dramatically (heat waves and cold snaps mean I cant work with resin, postal strikes, etc!) - I have a pinned post on my Instagram page which explains my order process and timings 


Are there any flowers you cant use?

Not necessarily- just be aware that they are dried before setting in resin which can change the colour and/or size. Every flower has its own history and of course are each made differently by Mother Nature so how they dry can vary vastly. Fleshy flowers such as Lillies, Tulips, Lisianthus and Orchids for example tend to be quite prone to browning but I will always try them. If they are especially sentimental do let us know first as they can sometimes be left out of they cant be preserved. Berries aren't the best thing to preserve, most turn black. 


What if I am getting married abroad and want to bring flowers home for preserving?

You have about 5 days to send most flowers before they start to go, I recommend trimming the stems and placing in water, and ideally keep them cool until you fly home. Or you can always allocate a family member to bring them home for you. Flat pack a box in your suitcase before you fly out and after the wedding trim them down to transport them home. Even a large lunchbox would prevent them getting squashed in a hold bag! There is the alternative of hanging them to dry while you enjoy the rest of your stay! Hang upside down in small bunches in a warm dry place.  


Can you provide flowers?
Yes, please drop me a message! 


Got more questions? Drop me an email today

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